Monthly Archives: September 2022

Produce funding for sept/oct

Before I write an email to you all every few months, I check in with Pat. “Do you still want to do this?” “Is it too much?” And every time Pat says, “Yes. I love it.” 

I’ve been thinking about public spaces, vs community spaces, vs safe spaces, vs front porches– all within the contexts of the past and present, and what I want to help create. Pat and Kerney’s front yard is a community space on Tuesdays. What an honor to be part of that. It’s real. It’s kind, and generous, and shit-talking, and despair, and grieving, and joyous. It’s alive. Your financial support means fresh produce, which means nutrition and community together. 

One of the things that has been a worry for all of us is that the title of the house was not in Kerney’s name. This has meant that he has not been eligible for tax relief or any of the nonprofit programs that require home ownership. This is why the semi-annual support for real estate taxes has been so crucial. As our relationship have deepened, our circles of shared people have broadened. Another friend has been supporting clearing the title and raising money to replace the roof. The concentrated energy of community has helped stabilize at least one Black-owned home. 

This is nuanced work. It is difficult to receive support if it feels out of balance. I remind Pat and Kerney of all that they have done to nurture and support all those that they have fed — both in their personal and professional lives. It’s an honor to be in relationship with them both. It’s an honor for them to trust me, and you, with their story and their work. 

One case of 88 apples costs about $40. Give in denominations of apples ðŸ˜‰