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Are you feeling stuck?  Do you need support as you make changes in your life and work? 
How can you lessen the gap between your ideals and your reality? Is family, friendship, work, self, and all the rest feeling too much?

I’m here to help you make changes, or not. It’s your life, and sometimes you need someone outside of yourself to help you identify goals, barriers, and potential solutions. I do this work because I love it. I love helping people get in better balance with all facets of themselves. 

I will support you by discussing:

  • Available resources,
  • Potential risks, 
  • Your inherent value, 
  • Your values,
  • Choices and potential consequences, 

During each session, we will likely:

  • Check in about how things are,
  • Discuss progress, barriers and roadblocks,
  • Probe the fear and feelings around barriers, roadblocks, and risks,
  • Identify and analyze potential resources,
  • Laugh, cry, and/or sit in thought, 
  • Enumerate next steps for you, including gentle due dates and benchmarks.

I have 2+ decades of expertise and experience specializing in:

  • Needs assessments,
  • Community building,
  • Grassroots organizing
  • Nonprofit executive leadership, 
  • Application of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • Cognitive development, 
  • Cultural competence

I value Joy, Equity, Justice, and Living with Nature. In practice this looks like balancing:

  • Self and Community,
  • Whimsy and Responsibility,
  • Mind, Body, and Spirit,
  • Chaos and Order, 
  • Variety and Ritual,
  • Comfort and Awkwardness,
  • Being Right and Being Effective.

Therapists might ask: “How do you feel about that?” I will ask “What are you going to do about that?”

You do need to know how you feel, but then what? After you set your boundaries, what will you build?


Fees are for each 1 hour conversation, with a follow-up email with brief summary and potential next steps. $75-200 sliding scale

$150200 Consider this price range if some or all the following apply to you: 

  • I own my home and/or car.
  • I can comfortably afford rent. 
  • I have expendable income for personal pleasures.
  • I have money in savings. 
  • I have an inheritance.
  • I am employed or do not need to work. 
  • I have access to elective medical care
  • I can afford to vacation more than once per year.
  • I do not have debt. 
  • I want Dolly to be supported in her ongoing unpaid community work.

$125 Consider this price point if some or all the following apply to you: 

  • I own my home and/or car.
  • I can comfortably afford rent. 
  • I have expendable income for personal pleasures.
  • I am employed. 
  • I have access to affordable healthcare/insurance
  • I can comfortably take some time off of work. 
  • I have some debt. 

$100 Consider this price point if some or all the following apply to you: 

  • I have some stress about meeting my basic needs (housing, food, utilities, healthcare). 
  • My rent is a little too high.  
  • I have very limited expendable income for personal pleasures.
  • I am employed and have regular paychecks.  

$75 Consider this price point if some or all the following apply to you: 

  • I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs (housing, food, utilities, healthcare). 
  • My rent is too high.  
  • I have very limited expendable income for personal pleasures.
  • I am unemployed or underemployed.  
  • My debt causes me stress about affording my basic needs. 
  • I qualify for government assistance (SNAP, etc.). 

Does $75 feel inaccessible? Is somewhere between $100 and $125 more doable? These are general guidelines based on income, but there is some flexibility.
Send me an email and we can discuss what a better option might look like for you!

These guidelines were adapted from September Sun CSA’s sliding scale which in turn were developed from the guidance and work of High Five Farm (KY), Real Roots Food Systems (VA), Soul Fire Farm (NY), and The Green Bottle, designed by Alex J. Cunningfolk.

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